Our All Products approved in Joomla Extensions Directory. Check here : https://extensions.joomla.org/profile/profile/details/318148/

When you purchase an product, an account will automatic created. So you don’t need to create it manually. One thing to remember, we delete refunded account and accounts whom license is expired over 1 year and not renewed for keep our site clean and fast. Any question just knock us in Live Chat or Email : info@aaextensions.com / ashik685@gmail.com

JOOMLA EXTENSIONS [ 3x,4x & 5x Versions Supported ]

AA Codepen Embed Widget

AA Jotform Embed Form

AA SkypeUs Contact Button

AA Currency Converter

AA Custom Cursor

AA Aweber Optin Widget

AA Weather Map Embed

AA User IP and Location

AA Tip Calculator

AA Scientific Calculator

AA Sketchfab Embed

AA Password Generator

AA PDF Embed

AA Age Calculator

AA Lottie Animated Image

AA Easy Analytics Tracking

AA Mosets World Live Clock

AA Anti AdBlocker

AA Promotion Bar

AA Mortgage Calculator

AA Responsive Calendar Pro

AA Responsive Radio Player

AA Tiny Audio Player

AA Line Chat

AA Discord Chat

AA Click to Call

AA Accordion Guru

AA Github Profile Widget

AA 360° Panorama Video

AA Skype Now Button

AA Email Now Button

AA Call Now Button

AA Appointy Booking Widget

AA Covid-19 Live Stats

AA Facebook Live Messenger

AA Scroll To Top

AA Calendly Widget

AA Logo Showcase Pro

AA News Ticker Pro

AA Sales Notification Pro for Virtuemart

AA Responsive Soundcloud Player

AA Cryptocurrency Donation Box

AA Crypto Currency Calculator

AA Changelly Crypto Exchanger

AA Bitcoin Cash Widget

AA Content Theft Protection

AA Snowfall for Christmas

AA Advanced Vimeo Player

AA Cookie Consent (GDPR Based)

AA Age Verification

AA EMI Calculator

AA BMI Calculator

AA 360° Image Virtual Tour

AA PayPal Button

AA Contacts All in One

AA Ultimate Responsive Slider

AA Facebook Messenger Contact Button

AA Galleria Gallery

AA BxSlider Pro

AA Donation Thermometer Pro

AA Fake Sales Notification Pro

AA Responsive Classical Clock

AA Simple Custom CSS

AA Contact Info

AA World Live Clock Pro

AA Voting Age Checker

AA Responsive Coming Soon Page

AA WhatsApp Contact Button

AA Viber Contact Button

AA Telegram Contact Button

AA WeChat Contact Button

AA Responsive Fitvids Video Player

AA Responsive Post Carousel

AA Responsive Article Vertical Timeline

AA Responsive 3D Image Carousel

AA Sweet Pregnancy Countdown

AA Responsive Flat 360° Panoramic Image Viewer

AA Responsive Open Street Map

AA Stealth Disable Click Pro

AA Responsive Before After Image Slider

AA Apiless Responsive Google Map

AA Responsive Calculator

AA Google Map Api Fixer for joomla

What our client says

Kim Huff
I have several clients I create websites for and my photographers would like to make it so people cannot copy their images. I have a new client I am starting next month & he would like to lock down images and content so this should help solve that issue too.
- Kim Huff
Rob Sloot
You did a great job Syed Ashik Mahmud 👍 Your service and support is absolutely amazing!!! Thank you.
- Rob Sloot

Frequently Asked Questions

Even if your License expires, you will still be able to use extension, nothing has cause issue with your license status

The only restrictions applied are the fact that you are no longer eligible to extension related downloads( updates and downloads) and you will no longer receive customer support.

Absolutely! Our single license conveniently covers you for up to 2 live domains.

Need to manage more? No problem! Simply contact us for a custom quote to unlock additional domains. We’re happy to offer a discount on bulk purchases to fit your specific needs.

AA Extensions are listed under the GPL2 license, so when you purchase and download an extension you will have full access to the source code.

But remember one thing that all source code changes are lost when an update is performed.

Absolutely! We’re confident in our ability to resolve your issue. If you follow our troubleshooting steps and we’re unable to fix the problem, we offer a full refund within 15 days of purchase. For details on our refund policy, please visit our Terms and Conditions page.

To ensure a speedy resolution, our technicians might require remote access using a secure tool like TeamViewer or AnyDesk. This allows them to directly diagnose and fix the issue.

We understand that granting remote access can be a concern. Rest assured, our team follows strict security protocols to protect your privacy. If you’re uncomfortable with remote access, we’ll still do our best to assist you with alternative solutions.

By working together openly, we can resolve your issue quickly and efficiently. Our goal is your complete satisfaction!

Important Note

As a programmer, I do codes. I don’t know magic. If you have any problem with my extension, you just need to provide me a URL to check it and fix it. If I can’t solve it, then I will refund you instant. But you can’t ask for a refund if you don’t give me time to solve it and give me the necessary access to solve it with your website. That’s not justice with my effort for you. Because I sell here important extensions at very low cost and personally as admin I support it. I have no other employees.

Before buy please take a look closely with product demo.

For Payment

I use paddle.com as my payment gateway. My product has no VAT. So if any vat comes then it will come from your Government, not by me. Paddle helps you to pay via card or paypal.


For Privacy

I don’t love to use your email or anything for business purpose. If you try to buy a product and do pending. May be you can get email to pay it. Besides this no other email, you get.


For support

I am open to supporting you anytime, you just send me email to : info@aaextensions.com. That is enough.

I accept our Payment via
